Virtual 360° tours for exhibitions, museums & showrooms

Your exhibition / showroom is now open day and night


Increase visibility

Visibility is no longer dependent on opening hours or the effects of global pandemics. Your exhibition, museum or showroom is now open 24/7. Offer your prospective customers an impressive visitor experience that is independent of time and place. Constant availability increases your awareness and visibility.

Intuitive use and innovative experience

The virtual tour can be integrated into existing websites or placed in all social networks. Visitors are always given the same High quality and the innovative experience, regardless of the end device or age group. An external effect that impresses and stands out!

Create added value

With additional “hotspots” within the tour, you can convey location-related information or offer visitors attractive added value through audiovisual content.

Sample tour of an exhibition in the Brandenburg state parliament building


Selected elements of a virtual 3D tour

hotspots ausstellung


Your logo makes your tour unmistakable

dot hotspot


The multimedia menu is freely editable and can be filled with any conceivable content

dot hotspot

Info points

Place freely editable info points anywhere on your tour, which you can fill with text, images, videos or other content

dot hotspot

Footer icons

Use the footer icons to access the 3D or floor plan view at any time or open the mini-map

dot hotspot

Functions & possibilities of a 3D tour at a glance

01 ausstellung infopunkte

Info points

You can place freely editable info points at any point on the tour, which can contain text, images, videos, links or files. Take the opportunity to provide visitors to the tour with further information.

02 ausstellung menu

Multimedia menu

You can freely edit the multimedia menu. Use it for targeted navigation, further content and as a contact option.

03 ausstellung 3D

3D view

The 3D view visualizes the structural relationships and allows visitors to quickly navigate through your building. A real wow effect.

04 ausstellung minimap


The mini-map allows users to keep track of where they are in their building at all times.

05 ausstellung backend

Backend access

You can make, control and expand all the settings for your virtual tour via your personal access. However, we can also take care of this for you on request.

06 ausstellung 247

24/7 – 365 days a year

Your facility is open to users around the clock. Visitors have worldwide access to the tour, regardless of their device.

Examples / references for virtual tours in exhibitions, museums & showrooms

(Tours open in a new tab)

beispiele 01 dgnb

Living Showroom of the German Sustainable Building Council (Stuttgart)

beispiele 02 deutschrussischesmuseum

German-Russian Museum (Berlin-Karlshorst)

beispiele 03 moegelin

Virtual exhibition of an artist (Berlin)

beispiele 04 filmmuseumpotsdam

Sandman – Exhibition at the Film Museum (Potsdam)


beispiele 05 alliertenmuseum

Checkpoint Charlie in the Allied Museum (Berlin)

beispiele 06 wini

Showroom Wini office furniture (Berlin)


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